Conference co-financed within the International Visegrad Fund
International Scientific Conference
Wroclaw, 20th April, 2012
The aim of the conference “Improving economic efficiency and security of transport systems in the Visegrad countries” is to define the barriers to sustainable development, determine the importance of transport for the development of national economies, V4 area and the environmental security in the region as well as to precise the role of transport in the crisis management and securing sustainable development of the Visegrad region.
The conference will address the following specific issues:
- the importance of transport for the development of national economies of VF countries,
- the impact of transport on regional development,
- prospects for the development of the transport infrastructure,
- prospects for the development of means of transport,
- trends in the development of the transport technologies
- information systems in transport,
- the risk and safety of transportation systems,
- transport management in crisis situations,
- the economic and environmental aspects of transport.
The papers, accepted by the Scientific Committee, will be published in conference materials on CDs, and after the Conference in the Research Journal “Logistics and Transport” in English. The papers should be prepared in WORD format according to given instructions: www.logistics-and-transport.eu.
In order to have the paper published, the text should receive a positive review of the Conference’s Scientific Committee. During the presentations, the organizers provide audiovisual equipment.
Maciej Kaczmarski Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in Wroclaw
Marshal of Lower Silesia
Mayor of the Voivodship of Lower Silesia
- Zenon Zamiar, Ph.D. Eng. - MWSLiT- the Chairman of the Committee
- Tomasz Nowakowski, Ph.D. Eng.- MWSLiT
- Ladislav Šimak, Prof. Ph.D. Eng.- Žilinska univerzita v Žiline
- Miroslaw Seidl, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. - Žilinska univerzita v Žiline
- Viera Cibáková, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. - Vysoká skola ekonómie a manažmentu verejnej správy v Bratislave
- Vladimír Gozora, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. - Vysoká skola ekonómie a manažmentu verejnej správy v Bratislave
- Ivan Barancik, Eng.- Vysoká skola logistiky o.p.s v Prerove
- Ivan Hlavon, Ph.D. Eng. - Vysoká skola logistiky o.p.s v Prerove
- Magda Sándor, Prof. Ph.D. Eng.- Károly Róbert Foiskola v Győngyős
- Wachtler István, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. - Károly Róbert Foiskola v Győngyős
- Janusz Pawęska, M. Sc. Eng. - MWSLiT – the Chairman of the Committee
- Ewa Heimrath-Bekier, M. Sc. - MWSLiT- the conference secretary
- Maria Ruskova, Ph.D. Eng. - Žilinska univerzita v Žiline
- Monika Hudáková, Ph.D. Eng.- Vysoká skola ekonómie a manažmentu verejnej správy v Bratislave
- Pavol Šaradin. Ph.D.- Vysoká skola logistiky o.p.s v Prerove
- Magda Róbert, Ph.D. - Károly Róbert Foiskola v Győngyős
9.00- 9.30 Participants registration
9.30- 9.40 Welcoming note
9.40- 11.30 SESSION I
- Tomasz Nowakowski, Ph.D. Eng. Safety and security aspects of transportation system assessment.
- Joost Platje, Ph.D. Current challenges in the economics of transport systems.
- Miloslav Seidl, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Essential elements of critical infrastructure in the transport sector.
- Ladislav Simak, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Critical infrastructure protection.
11.30- 11.45 Coffee break
11.45- 13.45 SESSION II
- Bohus Leitner, Ph.D. Eng. Reliability and safety of technical means in transport with respect to fatigue damage processes.
- Vladimir Gozora, Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Regional disparties and Risk Management in road transportation.
- Monika Hudáková, Ph.D. Eng. The Importance of Integrated Emergency System in Safety Management.
- Pavol Šaradin, Ph.D. Economic aspects of transport.
- Thierry Houe, Ph.D. The impact of European custom certifications on risk management and logistics performance of the 3rd PL.
13.45- 14.15 Lunch
14.15- 16.15 SESSION III
- Magda Róbert, Ph.D. The state of affairs of transportation and delivery in Hungary , sustainability studies, the introduction of European tendencies.
- Zsolt Tegla, Ph.D. Logistics model of arboreal biomass supply.
- Miroslav Tomek, Ph.D. Eng. The transport of technology by emergency supply of people with drinking water.
- Zdenek Cujan, Ph.D. Logistic centres as a part of infrastructure.
16.15- 17.00 Discussion
19.00 Dinner
Participation fee includes:
- Participation in debates
- Conference materials
- Coffee breaks
- Lunch
- Special dinner
In case of resignation from the participation after April, 9th, organisers reserve the right to deduct the conference sum (made by the participant) due to incurred organisation costs. Conference fee does not include accommodation. Paper will not be published unless the payments are done.
The conference fee should be paid to:
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Wrocław; For fees paid in euro (IBAN): WBKPPLPP
PL50 1090 2398 0000 0001 1580 8146
For fees paid In PLN: 82 1090 2398 0000 0001 1527 4070 with the annotation: CONFERENCE V4
The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw
Sołtysowicka 19 b, 51-168 Wroclaw, Poland
T +48 71 324-68-73, Fax +48 71 325-15-61
e-mail: e.heimrath-bekier@msl.com.pl
conference secretary: Ewa Heimrath-Bekier